Brian’s diverse experience and unique perspectives combine with his pleasant and personal manner to engage audiences on many levels. From his days as an Air Force squadron commander to his long career as a business journalist, commentator and public speaker, Brian’s approach to speaking and presentation is thought-provoking, inspirational and creative.
“The Technology Tornado: Media & Communications in the Modern Era”
See highlights from Brian’s recent Ernst & Young “Continuing Education Conference” speech and hear directly from conference attendees.
Phoenix Convention Center
August 28th, 2019
Additional speech samples / videos are available upon request. Contact Brian to learn more.
For speaking inquiries, contact Ricky@GravitySpeakers.
Current Speech Topics
Artificial Intelligence
Friend or Foe? While some experts predict doom and gloom for jobs and the economy, others say it’s the savior of civilization. Who is right?
If you are not following technology news on a daily basis to stay ahead, you most certainly will fall behind.
My father worked at one company for thirty years. Now the average college grad will change jobs a dozen times and careers at least twice.
More Americans work for the government than in manufacturing, farming, fishing, forestry, mining and utilities combined.
Fact or fiction in the news business means you are now your own editor in chief, separating “fake news” from “real journalism”.
The art of communicating has a rich history of innovation. Today, social and the web are driving this vital industry into a future rife with opportunity.
Sample Speech Topics
Questions, Answers, and Analysis
Brian’s vast experience as a professional journalist gives him unique abilities to bring out the best in any guest. In an on-stage “Question, Answer & Analysis” session, Brian will interact with your executives, creative thinkers and newsmakers to evoke deep insights that engage and excite your audience.
Brian’s personal manner and seasoned interviewing skills put even the most nervous guest at ease. His involvement makes for an outstanding and memorable event that is fresh, spontaneous and thought-provoking. It’s a great way to open up a meeting or presentation in a way that offers real value and leaves audiences more prepared to face their own professional challenges.
Endorsements for Brian
Request Brian to keynote or moderate your upcoming meeting or conference.
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