Saving Time and Money

by | Apr 6, 2023

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Having trouble getting your point across? Try a little science. I’m Brian Banmiller on Business.

Being easy to understand can save you both time and money. Unfortunately, it’s a trait difficult to master. Instead, a lot of people might find themselves sitting around discussing something for hours that could have been resolved in minutes. So, Fast Company did a little research and has some tips on how to get your message delivered in a timely and efficient manner. According to Fast Company it comes down to three steps. First, be succinct. This means using as few words as possible to get your point across. Whether speaking or writing, most people have a tendency to meander and lose their train of thought. Instead, before you start speaking, pause and think about what you want to say. Then deliver your message with as few words as possible. Next, be specific. Supply only the relevant information with concrete words so everyone can see your vision. For the final tip on improving how you communicate go to They say time is money, avoid wasting any of it. Brian Banmiller, CBS News.

Brian Banmiller

About Brian

CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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August 28th, 2019

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