Privacy Please

by | Feb 25, 2021

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Google has all the answers, even if the questions are about you. I’m Brian Banmiller on Business.

If you’re like most people you use your phone for everything. And because of that google knows a lot about you, especially if all your devices are linked. To help paint a clear picture of how un-private your life is, m-s-n money has a list of the creepiest things google knows about you. For example, everywhere you’ve been. Google keeps track of your location history, assuming your phone has location switched on. And it’s pretty comprehensive. If you don’t like the idea of being tracked you can turn it off and delete your history. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone forever. Google also knows your hobbies and interests. Check it out in the “other google activity” list on the my activity page. This is where the site keeps a running list of the things you like based on pages you’ve visited. Then it uses that information to suggest search results and products. For more on google’s impact on your life go to banmiller on business dot com. Privacy no longer an option. Brian Banmiller, CBS news.

Brian Banmiller

About Brian

CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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