North Korean Trash

by | Apr 28, 2022

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One man’s trash is another man’s education. I’m Brian Banmiller on Business.

Whenever there is an accumulation of trash on the shores of South Korean islands, a local professor can be found sifting through it. The reason, to understand what life inside North Korea is like. Since the pandemic shut down much of the world’s borders, it has become harder to understand what life inside the country is like. so, the trash helps people learn what products are manufactured in North Korea and what goods people are buying. Since September of 2020, he has visited five South Korean border islands and collected about 2000 pieces of North Korean trash including snack bags, juice pouches, candy wrappers and drink bottles. He says the type of trash he found confirms North Korean state media reports that Kim Jong- un is pushing for the production of various kinds of consumer goods. It seems the people in North korea want to improve their livelihoods and the dictator is beginning to allow an expansion of products. But now that the secrets out, I wonder if the trash is going to suddenly disappear. Brian Banmiller, CBS News.

Brian Banmiller

About Brian

CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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