Job Perks

by | Nov 2, 2021

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If there was a best boss ever award, the founder of Spanx just ran away with it. I’m Brian Banmiller on Business.

Twenty years ago, Sara Blakely started the womenswear company Spanx. And as you’ve probably heard it took off and is sold pretty much everywhere. Now the investment firm Blackstone is buying a majority stake in the company, for $1.2 billion dollars. And she didn’t celebrate the boost to her bank account alone. In a video posted on her instagram page, Blakely announced the news to her employees. Then she went on to say she had bought two first-class tickets to anywhere in the world for all her employees. But it didn’t stop there. She went on to explain that when you’re traveling you might want to see some sights, go out for a really nice dinner or stay at a nice hotel. So, she threw in $10,000 dollars with the tickets. That’s when the room erupted in cheers, tears and a dance party kicked off. Blakely says she remembers people laughing when she predicted the company would be worth millions. Jokes on them. Brian Banmiller, CBS News.

Brian Banmiller

About Brian

CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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