AirBnb Offers “Space Travel Experience” For As Little As $11 A Night

by | Aug 4, 2019

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Listen Now: AirBnb Offers “Space Travel Experience” For As Little As $11 A Night

[xyz-ips snippet=”post-thumb-url”]Do you dream of going into space? If NASA’s not an option, consider AirBnb.

Fifty years ago two men stepped foot on the surface of the moon for the very first time. Now the space race is on again, with NASA aiming to put another man and the first woman on the moon by 2024.

And to help you celebrate without actually putting you in a space suit, AirBnB has bookings that are truly out of this world. Now through November you can stay in these one-of-a-kind places for as little as eleven dollars a night.

For example, why not sleep in the Apollo 11 spaceship? Or at least an exact model of it. When you get tired playing make believe, head outside and explore the country, which by the way is New Zealand.

Or check out a flying saucer in the United Kingdom. The circular building comes complete with beds, a dining area and games.

If you need a little more space, try the moon camp in Joshua Tree, California. Complete with its own gym. Houston, we need a reservation.

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Brian Banmiller

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CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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