Ace the Interview

by | Aug 18, 2022

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There are three things employers want to know about you in a job interview, so make sure you address them. I’m Brian Banmiller on Business.

According to Fast Company there are only a few things recruiters need to know about you; what is it like to work with you, can you learn and do you take initiative. So how do you ace these questions? According to Fast Company there are five things to guarantee a good performance. First, study up. Find out about the company interviewing you. Check out their website, find out what projects are being worked on and read news articles about it. Look at reviews about the company and grill anyone who has worked or currently works there for information. This will make you knowledgeable about the company and help you ask good questions about your potential role and how it fits in. Next, be willing to listen. If they aren’t happy with an answer you gave, don’t defend it, instead listen to the criticism and show you are willing to learn. For more tips go to Banmiller on And arm yourself accordingly. Brian Banmiller, CBS News.

Brian Banmiller

About Brian

CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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