A Mold ProblemIs your child’s favorite chew toy a big moldy mess? This week parents reported finding mold inside their Sophie the giraffe toy. Sophie is a plastic toy that sells for about $25 and over the past couple of years has become very popular for anyone who is teething. Earlier this week a woman told the magazine Š—“Good Housekeeping” that her child’s Sophie began to give out a weird musky smell so she cut it open. Inside was a layer of mold from head to tail and she wasn’t the only one. Another woman cut the legs off her Sophie and discovered a layer of mold and send the pictures to Amazon. The company says this is not a surprise because Sophie is a plastic toy with a hole so if not cleaned according to instructions and submerged in water will become moldy. And it goes on to say this is the same for all plastic toys including sippy cups. Might be time for a little deep cleaning, hold the water.