Healthy Employees

by | Mar 23, 2018

Healthy EmployeesCompanies are trying to expand from your nine to five to be your personal trainer.

Recently a teachers strike in West Virginia ended but not before people noticed an unusual item the school board was trying to pass… a requirement to download a mobile fitness app and earn points on it by wearing a fitbit. Anyone who declined or didn’t earn enough points would be penalized $500 a year.

The proposal was scrapped by the state but experts say it’s a sign of the times. Employers are trying to cut costs and boost productivity by encouraging workers to use different gadgets or even electronic implants. The trackers enable hiring managers to pit employees against each other and track how healthy they are.

All facts that can be used when it comes to hiring, firing and promotions and most people won’t say no to wearing them. A researcher from the University of Michigan says one way around this is to decouple health insurance from your employer.

If they aren’t paying for your ailments, they won’t care how many steps a day you take.

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Brian Banmiller

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CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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