One Man’s Trash: Goodwill’s Revolutionary Donation To Net Thousands

by | Nov 6, 2018

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Listen Now: One Man’s Trash: Goodwill’s Revolutionary Donation To Net Thousands

[xyz-ips snippet=”post-thumb-url”]A recent donation to Goodwill is paying off for the company, more than two hundred years later.

Goodwill workers in southern New Jersey uncovered framed pages from an original 1774 Philadelphia newspaper. The December 28th edition of the Pennsylvania Journal and the weekly advertiser includes three items signed by John Hancock pleading for the colonies to fight back against enemies trying to divide them.

It also included small advertisements of rewards for a lost horse or runaway apprentice while another insisted he will no longer pay his misbehaving wife’s debts.

A New York auction house says the paper shows how mad everyone was at the british months before the revolutionary war began. It also includes a masthead design of the “join or die” political cartoon credited to Benjamin Franklin.

The auction house values the newspaper at six to sixteen thousand dollars. Goodwill will use the money to fund its educational and job service training service.

There are currently three other existing copies of the same journal, each housed in university collections. Goodwill hopes this one will find a place there as well.

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Brian Banmiller

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CBS News Radio national business journalist Brian Banmiller has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics and the economy on television, radio and in print. Currently, his “Banmiller on Business” reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide.

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